B.Arts (Journalism)/B.Ed (Primary/Secondary)

Brett Lamb is a media educator and writer.  A finalist for Outstanding Secondary Teacher in the 2020 Victorian Education Excellence Awards, he is an assistant principal at East Doncaster Secondary College, co-teacher at Monash University, co-author of Heinemann Media and runs the education website www.lessonbucket.com. Throughout his career, Brett has presented workshops and seminars on topics as diverse as comic books, film noir, superhero narratives, social networking, action movies, filmmaking, film editing and VCE Media. He has worked with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) and Creative Content Australia.

Brett Lamb

East Doncaster Secondary College (2007-Present)

Developed and implemented curriculum material for VCE Media and English classes. Strong emphasis on the use of information technology in the media classroom, enabling students to express themselves with sophistication in digital media. Maintained the Media related website www.lessonbucket.com.

Professional development

I have presented a number of seminars and workshop for organisations like ATOM as well as writing sample assessment tasks and articles for the ATOM publication Screen Education.

Leongatha Secondary College (2001-2006)

Developed and implemented curriculum material for VCE Media and English classes. Strong emphasis on the use of information technology in the media classroom, enabling students to express themselves with sophistication in digital media. Responsibilities included: ICT in the Curriculum Coordinator (2006), Year Eight Coordinator (2004-2005).